2012. január 23., hétfő


    It's been months since I met her. She reminded me of some other beauties I've earlier met during my short lifetime. Some years ago, when I started to study in the College, there was a similar phenomenon, that I could not really comprehend for months, and when later, in a party on a very famous place surrounded by many friends, approached me, and asked if I would like to be with her. I could hardly say anything sensible, only the truth, that I cannot, because I've other responsibilities recently, and I am just unable to solve such situations, truly.
   And I hardly can believe the same thing happening to me again. It's been months that the untold request, more likely uttered by gestures and indications, was expressed.
   I ran withdraw in pain, in that desperate unspeakable sorrow, that I cannot believe I cannot unfold this promising adventure again.
   I have only hopes that my ever clumsy, ridiculous behavior did not hurt that deep, that could cause that sufferig that I had for months. Sleepless nights, and many-many coffees to survive somehow this kind of hopeless situation.
   Needless to say such events are part of my ever upcoming egotrips, that I cannot live without drama, and inspiration. Strange but such hopeless situations inspire me, and fuel the fire of my glimmering soul.

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